Job Discription
Description of the area / country: Bulgaria is located in Eastern Europe and surrounded by 5 countries. Therefore Bulgaria has been a strategic place for Mission. Exciting reports of „thousands of Turks“ becoming believers began trickling out of Bulgaria in 1990 following the fall of communism.
Between 1992 and 2002, some WEC workers started Gypsy churches and also formed a Turkish-speaking Ministry Training Team (MTT), training church leaders through 3 month residential schools, seminars and Theological Education by Extension (TEE).
Project: Since 2001 two teams have started work in two cities: Kardjali (Team RoB) and Haskovo (Team Act10). They emphasize on prayer, evangelism, discipling and training leaders. They use different strategies to reach several people groups.
Possible tasks of short-term volunteers:
- Help in local church
- Teach English or German
- Kids clubs
- Visit local people
- Youth group
- Join the worship and prayer team
Team: The team consists of 3 Korean families. The Acts10 Team consists of one Korean family with 2 kids, the RoB Team of 2 Korean families with all in all 4 kids.
Church: Haskovo Acts10 Team ─ multicultural church (Bulgarian, Turkish), mostly Bulgarian speaking, sometimes Turkish. Kardjali RoB Team ─ mainly Turkish speaking people
Challenges: Language – Bulgarian/Turkish need to be learned, cultural adjustment, community life (depends on the timing & team), learning partnership as a learner.
Additional possible activities: Possibility to go on a „vision trip” through Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria. Fellowship with the Team & local church. Sports (table tennis, badminton, bike ecc.).
Special benefits: Teaching games, crafts and activities to children, youth and adults days off for rest & touristic activities. Travel not only Bulgaria but also Turkey and Greece. Taste a variety of local foods: Turkish, Bulgarian and Asia. Short-termers can experience several cultures: Muslim, Eastern Europe, Orthodox christians, some communism and Asian culture in teams.
Sports with the local youth: football, badminton, table tennis, swimming, ecc.
Requirements: If you can speak a conversational level of English, it would be easy to make friends with the local youth group. Each team can provide survival Turkish or Bulgarian before arriving. Your minimum stay can be flexible ─ from a week to several months. It depends on each team’s situation and needs.
Mininum 6 months
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