Home-Schooling Assistant – South Asia

Job Description A family that is serving in south Asia is searching for someone who can help teach their children, preferably for one year (or 6 months at least). Project: The family has three children at home and you would support the mother with teaching. They live...

Work with Children: Music & Sports – East Timor

Job Description The „Timor of the rising sun“, called Timor-Leste in the native language Tetum, is a little smaller than Schleswig-Holstein and only obtained independence from Indonesia in 2002 ─ after a long, bloody war. The tiny island state lies on the...

Household & Children – Netherlands

Job Description Beugen is a small, almost sleepy village near the German border. The area is remote and on the Meuse river. Big and historical towns such as Arnheim and Nijmegen are easily reached too. Project: The Missionary Training College (MTC) Cornerstone is an...

Maintenance, Renovation, Garden – Netherlands

Job Description Beugen is a small, almost sleepy village near the German border. The area is remote and on the Meuse river. Big and historical towns such as Arnheim and Nijmegen are easily reached too. Project: The Missionary Training College (MTC) Cornerstone is an...

Teach English, Work with Kids & Youth ─ Bulgaria

Job Discription Description of the area / country: Bulgaria is located in Eastern Europe and surrounded by 5 countries. Therefore Bulgaria has been a strategic place for Mission. Exciting reports of „thousands of Turks“ becoming believers began trickling...