Football Coach – Gambia

Job Description Gambia is a small country in West Africa, which is surrounded by Senegal. Although most people are Muslim, they have religious freedom. WEC has been engaged in various social projects in Gambia since 1965 but nowadays is primarily involved in ones...

Cook / Kitchen Helper – Netherlands

Job Description Join our team! We are looking for a volunteer who can assist our Kitchen Manager with the preparations, cooking a couple of times a week, grocery shopping, and other duties related to providing one meal each weekday throughout our school year for...

Teaching & Youth Work – Guinea-Bissau

Job Description Project: The small, green country Guinea-Bissau in West Africa gets little attention but has lots to offer. WEC has worked here for over 50 years. A local church has evolved with it´s own Bible school and different branches. WEC sees its mission as the...

Teaching & Work with Children – Sahel zone

Job Description A long stretched country with a desert climate. It is not only the Harmattan wind in the desert steppes (which blows grass and bushes over the Savanna) which poses a challenge to the people. The capital city, like no other, reflects the problems that...