Students Evangelism – Chad

Job Description WEC’s Learning Centre in Abéché is attracting lots of university students, many of whom are seeking to learn or improve their English. Come and befriend these young men, learn their culture and share the Gospel with them. Live alongside the WEC...

Teacher – Chad

Job Description WEC’s thriving adult educational centre needs leadership. It has a well-stocked library and runs classes in English and IT, and cultural events. Supervise a multi-national team of shorttermers and local Chadians, and develop the centre to its...

Teacher – Chad

Job Description Teach English to willing learners, learn a new language and live in an international, cross-cultural community. You will teach English classes for up to 15 adults per class, for 10 weeks at a time. These classes create the opportunity to build...

Evangelism – Bulgaria

Job Description The teams in Bulgaria are small and the believers in the fellowships are few. An evangelist would help the emerging church to discover new ways of reaching into the communities. Use your creative talent to inspire the team and enthuse the believers to...

Teacher – Senegal

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