Administration – Mexico

Job Description You will assist our various Mexican ministry departments and the visitors to our El Monte training Centre, by handling various office tasks, providing polite and professional assistance, and generally being a helpful and positive presence in the...

English teacher – Canada

Job Description Supervise our Overseas Mission Experience program at WEC Canada’s Headquarters in Hamilton. The program is designed to help our missionaries who need to improve their English. Classroom ESL teaching is combined with mentoring, ministry and...

Teacher – Cambodia

Job Description WEC helps to recruit teachers and school staff for Hope International School in Phnom Penh. Each year Hope International School seeks enthusiastic, caring professionals who are followers of Christ to serve in Cambodia. There are vacancies in 2020 for...

Teacher – Indonesia

Job Description Are you interested in working and teaching overseas at a school fully accredited by ACSI and WASC? Do you have a love for Jesus and a heart for expatriate and national students? This beautiful campus offers a unique environment for learning to take...

Social Media Evangelist – Gambia

Job Description We’d like to expand our social media ministry, using platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, vlogs, and tools like SD cards and Lightstream Pocket, to distribute video, images and simple message content relevant to the recipient. Smartphones are...