Job Description

Country: 80% of the country is desert, but our capital has many parks and avenues. It is quite hot, but not humid. Islam ist he main religion, but is is different from the Islam in the middle East. 60% oft he population is under 30 years old.
Society is changing quickly, especially the young generation is exposed to many influences:

• The West with its individualism ad desire for self-determination, comfort and wealth
• Islam and the search for meaning and fulfilment in religion
• own family with its traditions and expectations

Many young people are looking for their own way in this triangle of tension. Added to this are the after-effects of persecution: Christian literature and internet presences and visible churches are virtually non-existent. Mistrust and the fear of stepping out of line are still very much present. Despite these challenges, God is at work and is drawing people to Himself. Would you like to be a part of it?

Project: Our language center for German exists since September 2023. We aim to provide quality German lessons to the many who want to go and study in Germany. This gives us a great platform to have a legitimate reason to be in this country and to reach many people who have never heard the Gospel. Through this language center, we do not only provide jobs to locals but also give credibility to our testimony by running a real business.

Tasks: Short-Termers would be involved in teaching German and offering other clubs and tutoring for our students. You don’t need to be an experienced teacher. We will provide the materials that will help you to become a tutor/teacher that will enable you to help your students to reach their goals.

Other activities: Our team is involved in many different businesses and teaching activities that are not related to the language center. There are also other opportunities that we could arrange for you if you are interested in a special area. Other than that, we provide lessons in the local language, team meetings in English and team activities.

Team: The language center is run by one couple; however the other team members support us in prayer and encouragement. The remaining team includes 5 more couples from 3 different countries. Since we are a very new branch, we are still very few. But we pray and make every effort to grow.
All the team members are living in (or around) the capital, but our vision is to have a team in every region of the country.

Churches: Until 2017, the churches were being persecuted severely. For that reason, house churches were the norm. But since then the situation has been changing constantly. There are some Russian evangelical churches, and a few registered local churches. Besides that, there are still many house churches, but attending them regularly as a foreigner is not recommended at the moment. Some foreigners have their own home group. This is a good alternative to have deep fellowship, spiritual nutrition and also encouragement and advice for living in a country that can be very strange and challenging at times.

Challenges: In general, living in the capital of this country is not very challenging (once you have adjusted to the different food and the dry climate). In summer, it gets very hot and the winters can be very cold. But usually, there are ACs and sufficient electricity to help with the challenging seasons.

Due to the Soviet influence, foreign women can move around freely and are not restricted as it is in some other Muslim countries. The crime rate is very low. All in all, we feel very safe. The biggest challenges are the cultural customs: especially as a new-comer, it will take a while to learn all the unwritten rules that seem strange to us. In addition to that, the restrictions in freedom of speech and freedom of gathering can be a problem. There is the constant threat of being monitored. Sharing openly about your faith is still illegal. The influence of Islam is growing and many turn to what they perceive as their “cultural roots” which they see in Islam. The local language is also often a challenge. Having said that, the biggest challenge is not to be discouraged, to keep loving the people and to keep trusting God that he is working in the hearts of the people – even if it is hard and invisible.

Particular Benefits: Many opportunities to build relationships with students and your host family. The culture is very family focused and your host family will adapt you as their own daughter/son.

Leisureactivities: There are many parks, coffee shops, restaurants, gyms, shopping malls, cultural events etc. Local churches also organize sport events which you could attend. If you have a hobby, there will be the chance to practice it here. There are surprisingly many options – again due to the Soviet influence.

Conditions. Most parts of the city are very “westernized” though the outer appearance may seem ugly. It really depends a lot on your guest family and what you make out of your time here.

More Details:
Feel free to contact us and ask further questions. We are happy to help!

Time commitment

Mininum 3 months

Tasks: Education
Continent: Asia
Country: Central Asia
Duration: min. 3 months
Monthly Costs: ca. 350€
Category: shortterm
Duration Options: less than 6 months min. 1 year min. 6 months

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